Tuesday, February 17

半個肉桂貝果 (a half of cinnamon bagel)
半個原味貝果 (a half of nature bagel)
一杯黑咖啡 (black coffee)
一碗酸辣湯麵 (spicy and sour noodle soup, vegetarian)
一個原味貝果 (a nature bagel)


  1. where did you eat that? Starbucks?

  2. by the way, thanks for the Chinese, maybe IO can learn something
    貝果 is bagel? bei fruit? you think they grow on trees?! :D

    寶貝 chi 貝果 :)

  3. I bought some bagles last Sunday in 公館 (Gong Guan), 15-20NTD each. I made the coffee myself. I usually brew a pot of coffee the first thing when coming to work, including grounding the coffee beans and brewing the pot of coffee :D

    貝果 Bagle is translated from its sound. Yet, I like your interpretation a lot! :D
