Monday, February 23

米粉湯 (rice noodle soup)
燙空心菜 (boiled water convolvulus with soy bean source)
豬大腸 + 薑絲 (pig colon with ginger slices)


  1. convolvulus? :-D
    how about just water spinach?
    also known as ong choy 蕹菜 apparently? or is that different?
    I guess the Cantonese got to decide a lot of English names for Chinese foods

  2. hey, water spinach sounds really much better. Thanks!

    "ong choy" is so Cantonese :D

    when reading the characters 蕹菜, I always pronounced in Taiwanese as "ying4 cai3" :-)

    one interesting thing for me is that I can only say the 12 of Chinese astrology animals very fluently and quickly in a row in Taiwanese.

  3. > I can only say the 12 of Chinese astrology
    > animals very fluently and quickly in a row
    > in Taiwanese.

    how about in Japanese? :-P
